Is Your Fashion Style Authentic?

alt=" authentic fashion icon Iris Apfel."

Is your fashion style authentic? How do you create your fashion style? Juicy questions, right? I’ll answer these questions to guide you into an exceptional style, mind, and life! How many of you rely on what the supposed fashion experts say we should love? Answer honestly. What if before you purchased another piece of clothing, a […]

Which Personality Types Have an Edge Feelers or Thinkers?

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Which types have an edge, feelers or thinkers? I answer this question from an academic and spiritual perspective, giving you a crystal-clear look at these traits from both the physical and non-physical. My belief: When you take an intuitive approach in dealing with feeling and thinking traits, it speeds up the journey to the true […]

How To Be Strong When Change Swirls Around You?

alt="Get In Nature to Get into Calm."

How to be Strong When Change Swirls Around You? We live in times of anxiety, overwhelm, and fear, but do we have to experience it on the daily? If we choose to do so, then yes, but I don’t believe we do. What I’m seeing in my mentoring sessions is that many people come to […]

33 Ways to Love Your Personality

alt=Love Yoursef Tee shirt"

33 Ways to Love Your Personality is an illuminating read. It highlights many different ways to love yourself. Enjoy your personality type as the beautiful gift it’s intended to be – a supportive spiritual tool to help you define your sacred purpose, totally in alignment with your truth! Yes, we are here to fall in […]

How To Find Yourself Through Spiritual Personality Typing?

alt="A women finding her true self! "

How to find yourself through spiritual personality typing is a big question with a four-word answer. Understand your personality type. Easy-peasy right? Well, yes, and no. The world isn’t easy-peasy. It’s changing rapidly. It’s chaotic, and what worked yesterday doesn’t work today. Our transitioning world is causing eight out of ten Americans to be anxious, […]

How To Unpack Yourself to be Unforgettable

alt="Nina Waling With a Suitcase Ready to Unpack Myself."

How to unpack yourself to be unforgettable is the realization you are Divinity expressing itself through your personality type! WOW. Let that sink in. You are here for a Divine reason. FACT. Your wounds gave your wisdom. FACT. You have a meaningful purpose. FACT. Your personality is assigned to you, FACT. Your persona is perfectly […]

There’s a New Personality Type In Town

alt="A Welcome Sign Welcoming Spiritual Personalty Types."

There’s a new personality type in town. It’s spiritually based and welcomes the role of the soul. It supports your soul self, leading you down the road to your True Self, the truth of you. It prompts you to discover The WHO of Who You Are. It’s uber relevant in today’s crazy world. As many […]

Making Travel Choices Are You a Thinker or Feeler?

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Making travel choices, are you a thinker or a feeler? These cognitive functions are your persona’s decision-making tools. I ask this because these decision-making traits because there is a big difference between these traits when two or more people travel together. How you make decisions can positively or negatively influence vacation outcomes for yourself and your […]